Sunday, December 6, 2009

12/8 Comments

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Viacom copyright violation

No Place to Hide
This kind of reminds me of the whole "pre-crime" thing from Minority Report. It would seem that, if this domestic spying idea is true, the US is trying to stop any home grown terror or crime before it starts. And I would think that if a person has nothing to hide, what would be the problem on a little domestic inquiry. I mean, if the government decides they want to listen on some of my conversations, texts, emails, whatever, I feel sorry for the guys they assign to listen to my friends and I. Let them listen to my stupid conversations if they actually and eventually get some hard intelligence about a possible event.

Again this is a domestic spying or human tracking that the government is currently working on. I mean I am all for personal rights and privacy, but I do not have anything to hide and if it does turn into some sort of ultra police state, simply deal with it for 4 years and vote in a new party. Our government is set up so that power is evenly distributed over many branches not just one. So if a majority gets voted into every single branch that is in favor of a police state, then as a country, we have more issues than the ruling party. All of this is just coming out now, how much do you think has gone on before this and how much more is currently happening? Out of sight, out of mind, I still use my vote and have a plethora of opportunities to voice my opinions about the current state of affairs. Hey, if not, remember remember the 5th of November.