Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thoughts.... Take 2 ... Less is Moore

Computer History Museum
I had no idea that the Computer History Museum existed until I flipped through their website. Diving more into their website though, yielded some pretty interesting finds. I am a sucker for the history of things and their Online Exhibits section is quite entertaining to me. The Babbage Engine looks really interesting and I would love to be the guy in the video that turns the cog to get the machine running.

Moore's Law
(see Muddiest Point)

Personal Computer
Being a child of the computer generation, having access to a personal computer has always been a privilege I have had. Whenever we first got our original Packard Bell computer you could not pull my sister and I away from it. We were always finding new things, especially games, to play around with on it. Usually I was the one that ended up playing with the new "expensive" toy the most. Especially when something broke, I was the one that got to put in the new hard drive or the new cd burner. It was fun learning on the fly what SATA cables were or making sure to put some cardboard down as to not shock the system and then have to replace the memory because of the static shock. I have not really broken into the world of the laptop yet, but I am working on adding that to my resume.

Muddiest Point
I do not really understand the whole concept of Moore's Law. It does not pertain to anything of then the world of computers and its peripherals. Even in the video the girl states that eventually the transistors are going to become so small that they will not be able to work. So what happens to Moore's Law then? Why do we need a law for something that we have complete control over? In 1965 when Moore first published his article about everything doubling every 2 years, most people did not think that everyone would have access to cheap computers that could fit on one's lap. It was only a matter of science fiction that people would own computers that could fit into a single room rather than a single house. So at what point do we ratify this "Moore's Law" and just take it for what reality really is? Technology is obviously going to continually evolve and become smaller and more efficient it is not going to get worse new breakthroughs are happening constantly. Moore is one of the original founders of Intel so maybe he just included it as his business model to sell future shares of Intel. With those hilarious new Intel ads out it seems to have worked out pretty well for Intel.

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